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1101-FS017 Unf*ckwriting: Field Studies

So, it's official. I am a teacher. An educator. I didn't really ever think I didn't feel official, I mean I've been in front of a class now for at least 10 years. I've been called professor, listed it on my tax return etc. But last Tuesday, I stood in front of a class that I designed and taught it. I delivered it to twenty-two eighteen-somethings, and they looked at me. They don't ususally do much of that typically.

The idea to create a class based on exploring outside of the classroom, stemmed from deeply affected experiences, I've had in education. But as any great teacher would understand, my students taught me how to teach... because I listened to them. It's part of that beautiful circle.

So Tuesday, I introduce

d the way we are going to approach life and writing, together for the next 16 weeks. They asked great questions. They offered curious glances, but even moreso they offered a genuine intrigue; it seemed it came in droves- it was a bold move, on both our parts. For me to change something that no one cared about, and for them to care.

And that's what makes teaching so unique. Perhaps that release of dopamine when you connect with a classroom of ambitious students is the catalyst. It's why some of the best teachers, teach, not work, they teach until they are decades past retirement. Week one and two are done. It was based around water. This is the water.

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